Red ants — and their eggs — have long been a part of Eastern diets. And just as they do with water beetles, children in some countries are taught how to harvest red ants. Collecting these ants can be difficult, since they’re small and harder to spot. But targeting large groups doesn’t help much, since in those situations, the ants activate attack mechanisms that include an uncomfortable bite. Yet, even that bite might have some benefits; in some cultures they are thought to relieve joint pain.
Protein: 13.9 grams
Fat: 3.5 grams
Carbohydrates: 2.9 grams
Red ants still boast relatively high protein levels, like other insects, but they also have less fat than some high protein fish, like salmon.
Salmon, cooked (100 g)
Protein: 25.44 grams
Fat: 8.13 grams
Carbohydrates: 0