November 23, 2018 12:05 PM EST
As many shoppers hop online to search for the very best Black Friday deals in tech, don’t miss some extremely odd odds and ends on sale this year.
Goop may have included a crystal drinking straw and a monthly loofa subscription in their annual gift guide, but Gwyneth Paltrow does not have a corner in the market on strange. As one of the world’s most massive retailers, Amazon is known for its proud history of selling you off the beaten path items all in one place. And on Black Friday, the weird gets cheaper.
You truly don’t know what you’re getting when you search for Black Friday deals. But you do know that you can get a yodeling pickle, yes a yodeling pickle and other zaniness for the people on your holiday shopping list with a sense of humor. Scroll down to the review section of the products, and you’ll be rewarded with a glimpse into psyche of consumers who really need these things.
Below, here are some of the weirdest Black Friday deals on Amazon this year:
General weirdness:
Decorative accents:
For the kitchen:
For the traveler: